Move with More Ease, Life with less Stress.
10 Attributes Resulting From Tai Chi Practice
Self Discipline | Self Respect |Self Defense |Self Health & Healing Self Esteem|Self Love | Self Control | Self Confidence | Self Understanding | Self Awareness | Self Knowledge | Self Reliance | Self Fulfillment | Self Motivation| Self Determination
Tai Chi, at it's roots, is a Martial Art.
...but compared to other martial arts Tai Chi involves moving slowly and softly and evenly at a constant pace. Energy is stored within one self and the movements are large and coordinated expanding Tai Chi into a multifunctional exercise, for health, longevity, molding one's character and building better relationships.
Interwoven within the curriculum of martial art training is a strict code of living which cultivates virtue. We call this Tai Chi character development, and it is essential if one wants to grow and develop through a martial art.
It is absolutely necessary to cultivate sincere humility, honest perseverance, tolerance and acceptance of opinions of others, and seriousness of interpersonal relationships.
(Photo: Master Yang Zhenduo and his grandson, Master Jun)

Life moves through us by how we move through our Body.
Through Tai Chi, we connect with the flow of Life.
Rather than moving, we are moved. Once connected to this flow, healing is greatly enhanced, dis-ease dissolves, balance, calmness, and harmony, easily return. Through Tai Chi we learn to move with an “empty” mind, allowing us to experience a continual arrival of the wonders and insights of life.
- Richard Anton Diaz (Instructor)

Tai Chi, The Inner Structure
The Inner Structure of Tai Chi explores the deep, internal work necessary for the effective practice of Tai Chi by first mastering the 13 movements of early Yang-style tai chi, also known as Tai Chi Chi Kung. Through this short form, we learn to absorb, transform, and circulate the three forces that animate all life--the Universal force, the Cosmic force, and the Earth force.These principles access the full spectrum of physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits that Tai Chi can bring.
(Photo: Master Mantak Chia)
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